3 ChatGPT Like AI Tools You Can Use for Free

Let's see the top 3 ChatGPT alternatives for every type of internet user

If you’ve been relying on ChatGPT for your AI needs, it’s time to explore other options. While ChatGPT has been a popular choice, several alternatives are available that offer equally powerful AI tools—and the best part is—they’re free to use! 

Even though you can pay to access higher tiers and more features, these tools’ basic (free) plan features are more than enough for most professionals. 

So, let’s look at 3 fantastic AI tools, like ChatGPT, that work as virtual assistants and offer various functionalities for various purposes.

3 Leading ChatGPT Alternatives That Can Be Accessed For FREE: 

1. Claude

Claude is an AI tool developed by Anthropic to be helpful, harmless, and honest. As one of the leading AI safety companies, Anthropic ensures Claude is designed to benefit all of humanity.

Some key reasons why Claude is seen as an impressive alternative to ChatGPT:

  • Anthropic researchers have developed state-of-the-art models to achieve new heights in natural language processing. The latest Claude 3 Opus model contains over 175 billion parameters and outperforms other AI systems on various tasks.
  • With a context window of 200,000 tokens, six times larger than ChatGPT, Claude is able to maintain coherence over longer conversations and when discussing complex topics, allowing for a more seamless dialogue.
  • In addition to using natural language, Claude can analyze visual content such as graphs, diagrams, and charts. It understands these mediums to have more insightful multimedia discussions.

Claude Key Features

  • Multilingual ability is one area where Claude truly shines. It is trained to converse respectfully in over 40 languages, including Spanish, French, Japanese, and more.
  • For developers, Claude offers code generation capabilities in various programming languages directly within the conversation. This helps them understand the code snippets shared.
  • Users can upload documents and PDFs so Claude can carefully summarize and extract the most important details and insights from long-form materials.

Claude Potential Limitations

Of course, as with all AI tools, Claude does have some limitations to be aware of:

  • While the Claude 3 Sonnet model provides helpful features, it has reduced functionalities compared to the high-performance Claude 3 Opus model.
  • Unlimited access to the most advanced Opus model requires a paid monthly subscription, currently $23.60. The free version utilizes the mid-tier Sonnet model, sufficient for most basic to intermediate professionals.
  • Unlike some other AI systems, Claude does not have access to the open Internet or additional datasets. It only knows what Anthropic has trained on it.

Type of Professionals Claude Works Best For

Professional RoleReason for Use
Researchers, AcademicsThe large context window allows for a better understanding of lengthy papers and citations than other options.
DevelopersCode generation and review across many languages streamline programming workflows.
Multilingual UsersClaude truly excels at respectful, helpful conversations in over 40 tongues.

2. Google Gemini (formerly Bard)

Google’s conversational AI is an intriguing alternative.

As one of the world’s leading technology companies, Google has developed advanced AI models for Gemini through extensive research.

  • The sophisticated Gemini Pro and top-tier Gemini Ultra models are reported to perform on par or even surpass GPT-4 in many natural language tasks.
  • Leveraging Google’s immense data holdings and search capabilities allows Gemini to retrieve and reason over information at a massive scale. This enhances answers on a variety of topics.

Gemini AI Key Features

  • Users enjoy uploading images directly within conversations so that Gemini can examine and comment on visual content.
  • Those already using Gmail, Docs, YouTube, or other Google services will appreciate how Gemini seamlessly integrates into those workflows.
  • Soon, Gemini will be able to understand and respond to a fusion of text, audio, images, and more through emerging multimodal interfaces.
  • Paid access unlocks capabilities like an integrated Python code interpreter for direct collaboration with coders.
  • A free two-month Google One trial offers bonus storage space and member perks.

Gemini AI Potential Limitations

Of course, even the most advanced AI models contain some shortcomings:

  • While a leader in many areas, some assessments find Gemini Ultra still lags GPT-4 on the most sophisticated reasoning tasks.
  • Powerful features such as multimodal interfaces may only be available within the paid Gemini Advanced tier for broader use.
  • As an AI system trained before 2022, Gemini cannot access the latest real-world information like other tools.

Type of Professionals Gemini Works Best For

Professional RoleReason for Use
Writers, ResearchersLeverage Google’s enormous troves of data for insight into any topic.
Google UsersSeamlessly enhance productivity with tie-ins to Gmail, Docs, and other frequently used services.
Python DevelopersThe paid tier allows direct writing and explaining of code within natural conversations.

3. Perplexity AI

A uniquely powerful search assistant.

Perplexity AI stands out from the competition for its ability to fuse the abilities of an AI conversational agent with that of an online search engine.

  • Trained on OpenAI’s API, similar to ChatGPT, it provides high-quality responses and cites web-based sources to back up its answers.
  • Users benefit from a single tool that can discuss topics and unearth relevant information from websites such as Reddit and YouTube to enhance dialogue.

Perplexity AI Key Features

  • “Co-pilot” mode employs GPT-4 to give comprehensive, nuanced answers accompanied by detailed references.
  • It rapidly searches the vast Internet and pulls facts, figures, and excerpts to inform discussions on any subject.
  • The paid version enables multimodal conversation capabilities and integration with Claude 2 AI.
  • Even the free tier allows speedy, low-error answers backed by online findings.

Perplexity AI Potential Limitations

  • On rare occasions, lengthy quoted content may be used verbatim from sources without modification.
  • Free users have queries reset every 4 hours in the elite “co-pilot” mode with GPT-4 access.
  • Upgrading provides complete access to cutting-edge multimodal functions.

Type of Professionals Perplexity AI Works Best For

ResearchersSpeeds insightful papers by finding and correctly citing sources.
Product ExpertsBack recommendations with data from shopping sites for credibility.
All UsersGets comprehensive, referenced answers across a wide range of topics.

Perplexity AI fuses top-tier AI with leading search technology for constructive discussions supported by online sources.

Bonus: Poe By Quora (A Hidden Gem)

An intriguing option from a significant online knowledge platform.

Developed by Quora, the prominent question-and-answer website with over 300 million users worldwide, Poe provides access to leading AI models from OpenAI, Anthropic, and more directly within the popular Quora format.

Poe Key Features

  • The clean interface allows users to effortlessly swap between AI systems for comparison in a simple, conversational style.
  • Quora plans to introduce an API enabling any developer to integrate their AI models into Poe.
  • Poe enjoys the advantage of only being available on iOS mobile devices.

Poe Potential Limitations

  • As a reasonably new product, full capabilities relative to established tools are still uncertain.
  • No Android or web access yet limits the audience to Apple device owners.
  • Some specialized features of top AI assistants focused just on conversations may not be matched.

Type of Professionals Poe Works Best For

AI ExperimentersEasily test various AI models side-by-side in real time.
iOS/Android UsersA solely mobile AI interface tailored for Android and Apple devices.
Quora EnthusiastsFamiliar Q&A style and potential to leverage a vast knowledge base.

While still in development, Poe shows promise as a focused conversation product from a major online knowledge leader for iOS users and AI explorers.

How To Find The Right AI Tool For Your Productivity Increase?

Choosing an effective AI assistant requires careful planning and analysis of your own needs first. Here’s to find AI tools like ChatGPT that are tailored to your specific professional uses:

1. Clearly define tasks to optimize or automate

One must identify core workflows that could benefit from AI by mapping out repetitive jobs, bottlenecks, and desired outputs like writing or coding support.

2. Research options, assess features, reviews, and capabilities

Research tools tailored for your uses, comparing key traits from user reviews like integration, customization, or scalability support.

3. Prioritize accuracy reliability from quality training data

Look for proprietary models using curated datasets for your domain, as open-source training can risk biases and errors.

4. Evaluate security privacy compliance for sensitive data

Strict compliance is critical when handling private info, ensuring tools implement regulations and enable secure, on-premise deployment.

5. Ensure integration customization with existing tools, workflows

Focus on flexibility to customize inputs and outputs and integrate with current ecosystems, preferably via custom applications or open APIs.

6. Consider scalability, support for growing needs

Scalable pricing for more resources and reliable support is important to handle rising volumes and usage over time.

7. Conduct pilot tests before full implementation

Realistic pilot testing and benchmarking against metrics like accuracy and speed help iron out issues before full deployment to target users.

With careful evaluation against these primary criteria, professionals can determine the most suitable AI tools to streamline workflows.

Honorable Mentions – 3 More ChatGPT Alternatives That Are Free

While the main AI tools like ChatGPT cover offer robust features, several other worthy alternatives exist for experimental or limited use.

1) OpenAI Playground

Developers and researchers appreciate this platform’s flexibility in iteratively adjusting OpenAI language models and seeing behind-the-scenes workings of systems like GPT-3.

2) You.com ChatGPT Alternative (YouChat)

Still in active development, YouChat provides general conversation capabilities by summarizing web search results, integrated directly into the You.com search engine interface.

3) PhindMindQuery

For research, analysis, and content generation, this AI assistant prides itself on examining topics at a deeper level, breaking down complex issues into more comprehensible components for users.

While more limited in scope and capabilities than prominent ChatGPT alternatives, these tools represent worthwhile free options for experimenting with conversational AI or covering basic assistance needs.

Jeremy Alan
Jeremy Alan

Jeremy has been writing for online magazines and blogs for about 4 years. He is a passionate author with a deep love for Health & Fitness. With a strong interest in promoting well-being, he dedicates his writing to educating and inspiring readers to embrace a healthier lifestyle. Through his concise and insightful articles, Jeremy empowers individuals to make informed choices and achieve their fitness goals. Join him on a journey towards wellness and discover a world of knowledge and motivation.

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